types of player in battlefield1
As experts know there are several types of battlefield franchise players, They are in several following groups: First one is "legends" group,This group contains 4 different types of gamers. First, The legendary medic who revives everyone, squad members or team members Second the last alive expert squad member who fights like a hero and kills every one and saves the whole squad even sometimes they save the hole team. Third is the pilot who farms the whole objective and also destroys Dreadnoughts, Airships, Heavy tanks. The last group is the Support who supports the whole team to support the pigeon in War pigeons! There are also noob people (a person who doesn't know how to play well"new blood") in this video game in following group: The medic who cannot revive, Shotgun camper, Tanker who cannot rush through enemy base, 6 year old tryhard! Actually everyone knows the firs...